Happy 9th Birthday CMSi

February 1st, 2012 marks our 9th year
It was this day precisely NINE (9) years ago today that Concentric Management Systems, Inc. (CMSi) was born. I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the many failures and many more successes we have had over the years. Thanks to our tenacity, belief in our core values, and most importantly, our valued customers, we are able to be proud of "being in our 10th year of business".
CMSi is effectively “re‐launching” bigger and better than ever in 2012 following the successful completion of a major project (42 months) with a key client that required nearly all of my time. This re-emergency allows us many opportunities to grow where we can grow best - near the beach! We couldn't be more pleased to call Charleston our new home.
Very special thanks is in order to my wonderful staff, our team of amazing consultants and the customers that allow us to grow bigger and better every day! I truly appreciate the trust, hard work and partnerships we have formed in this anything-but-traditional organization.

Here's to another 9 years!

Jim Thompson - President
Concentric Management Systems, Inc.
Mission Statement - February 1st, 2012
We support the world’s leading organizations in their pursuit of excellence through the provision of training, consulting and auditing services. We are dedicated to providing services that exceed the expectations of our customers by being deliberate about delivering the highest level of customized service possible. We believe in steady growth with integrity.
We also strive to be the first choice for representing independent subject matter experts by developing and managing mutually beneficial, long-‐term business relationships. By facilitating customer relationships, we bring tremendous value to our network of consultants -‐ allowing more time to focus on exercising core competencies and less time on administrative burden.