Audit Checklist Template based on ISO 19011:2018

Audit Checklist Template based on ISO 19011:2018
Audit checklist template based on the guidance from the ISO 19011:2018standard on audit guidance. This template is an excellent source for audit teams to configure a checklist to meet their specific needs. Guidance for auditing compliance to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, IATF 16949, other standards. Also a great tool for managing internal process performance audits.
The contents of the audit checklist include:
7-Step layout structure from initiating an audit to conducting the audit follow-up
Planning of relevant documents and records in the planning phase
Turtle Diagram template for mapping key elements of each process to be audited
Process objects, targets and actions resulting from the review of objectives
Audit checklist template for adding your own questions, evidence observed, remarks and audit conclusions
Preparing, approving and distributing the audit report
Completing the audit
Conducting the audit follow-up
Summary of findings
Audit report distribution & attendance roster by function/process ownershio
Addendum A – Opening Meeting Checklist
Addendum B – Closing Meeting Checklist
Addendum C – Audit Report Template including cover page
Addendum D - Individual audit findings & related evidence