TSLA August 2013
TWO Sessions August 27-30, 2013 | Columbus, IN & Charleston, SC
ISO/TS 16949:2009 Internal Lead Auditor Training (32hrs): $1495*

The courses will be held at the new Harbor Breeze on Patriots Point in beautiful Mt. Pleasant, SC (Charleston). Students attending our Indiana course will be catered to by our great friends - who always receive outstanding hospitality reviews - at Tre Bicchieri in downtown Columbus.
Register online here or by calling 843.469.8279.
Description: This advanced internal auditing course caters to the full spectrum of auditor responsibilities – from process auditing to audit program management. This course will teach you the fundamental tools necessary to conduct audits using the automotive process approach while providing vital strategic information to top management. Case studies and scenarios make this course fun. If you are looking for a Lead Auditor course for internal processes or supplier quality development, look no further. This course is for you. NEW: We will also discuss the CD1 draft of the proposal ISO 9001:2015 standard and it's potential effects on your management system implementation.
Designed for: Audit Program Managers, Lead Auditors, Advanced Audit Team Members, Supplier Quality Engineers & Managers, Process Improvement Managers, Quality Directors, Continuous Improvement Managers, Organizational Development Directors, Management Representatives
This course meets or exceeds the training requirements for:
Ford Customer-specific Internal Quality Auditor requirements
General Motors Customer-specific Internal Quality Auditor requirements
Length: 4 days/32 hours CEUs: 3.2 A certificate will be given upon successful completion of all course requirements.
*Price include training materials and training facilities for each student. SEND TWO STUDENTS & THE THIRD STUDENT ADMISSION IS FREE! Promo Codes: 2for3 for multi-student early registration
All of our instructors are accredited with extensive industry expertise in the respective course(s) they teach. CVs/Resumes can be provided upon request at any time. Register online here, contact us by email at info@cmsicharleston.com or by calling 843.469.8279.
Day 1
▪ Introduction & Welcome
▪ Gathering of Student Goals & Expectations (CSRs)
▪ Overview of ISO 9001 & ISO/TS 16949 – Part I
▪ Selling QMS to Top Management
▪ The Automotive Process Approach
▪ Overview of ISO 9001 & ISO/TS 16949 – Part II
Day 2
▪ Use of Turtle Diagrams for Process Mapping
▪ ISO/TS 16949 Requirements – Clause 4.0, Quality Management System
▪ ISO/TS 16949 Requirements – Clause 5.0, Management Responsibility
▪ ISO/TS 16949 Requirements – Clause 6.0, Resource Management
▪ Overview of AIAG Core Tools (APQP & CP, FMEA, MSA, PPAP & SPC)
▪ ISO/TS 16949 Requirements – Clause 7.0, Product Realization
Day 3
▪ ISO/TS 16949 Requirements – Clause 7.0, Product Realization
▪ ISO/TS 16949 Requirements – Clause 8.0, Measurement, Analysis & Improvement
▪ Audit Objectives & Auditor Attributes
▪ Process Auditing Breakout
▪ Writing Audit Findings – NCRs & OFIs
Day 4
▪ Reporting Audit Findings
▪ CAPA – Corrective Action & Preventive Action
▪ Closing Out Audit Findings
▪ Closing the Audit Cycle
▪ Evaluating Audit Effectiveness
▪ Final Review/Q&A
▪ Student Goals & Expectations (Reviewed)
▪ Course Examination