ISO 9001:2015 All Employee Awareness Training Slideshow | 34 Slides

ISO 9001:2015 All Employee Awareness Training Slideshow | 34 Slides
34-Page Slide Show: This slide deck is perfect for new employee on-boarding or orientation, regular refreshers, pre-audit preparation and leadership training of ISO 9001:2015. The subject matter is general for all employees and can be displayed throughout the organization as a screensaver or other close-looped system. This package contains several files of our 34-slide PowerPoint slideshow with automatic transitioning and the ability to edit to fit your needs. File types are .pptx, .ppsx and .pdf.
Title page
Pathway to Organizational Excellent
What is a QMS?
What is ISO 9001?
What is ISO?
Where is there a need?
History of ISO 9000 family
QMS stack-up illustration for “How we manage our business”
Inputs to “How we manage our business”
Live it vs. Look it
Your business system
7 Management Principles
Principle 1
Principle 2
Principle 3
Principle 4
Principle 5
Principle 6
Principle 7
Structure of ISO 9001:2015
Document System
Document System - Folders View (optional)
Audit preparation
Types of audits
Purpose of audits
What auditors are looking for
Benefits of audits
Audit Q&A #1
Audit Q&A #2
Other tips during Q&A
Your contribution
Quality policy & quality objectives
QMS Milestones
Closing THANK YOU slide