Corrective Action Report (CAR) Template

Corrective Action Report (CAR) Template
This is the Ultimate Corrective Action Report template! It contains all of the elements necessary to conduct a thorough walk through the problem-solving process, while driving the right behavior. This Excel spreadsheet drives CAR initiators and respondents through the proper steps from:
problem description
short-term action assignments + tracking
root cause(s) analysis
long-term corrective action assignments + tracking
risk reduction, training and other documentation updates
validation of effective actions taken
rejection of response or accepted + closed
notification of owners of similar products or processes
This worksheet is comprised of 9 tabs containing various drop-down pick lists, macros and other bells and whistles to ensure Assignee follow the proper steps before an action is closed including the 2H5W, Ishikawa Diagram (Fishbone) and 5-Why’s Analysis.
Tabs include:
- Rules for team-based problem solving
- Nonconformity Report (NCR Form)
- 5W2H Problem Definition Worksheet
- Action Report (Simple Version)
- Action Report (Advanced Version)
- Action Report (Ultimate Version)
- Fishbone & 5-Why's Worksheet
- Drop Down Menus (configurable pick lists)
- Priority Triangles